October 06 2014 Monday at 09:34 PM

My Whole Life is in That Truck

Fresh Inspirations From our Favorite Designer & Collaborator Kyle Schuneman

I’ve lived in L.A. for almost 10 years and in that time I’ve lived in 7 different apartments. You'd think I’d have the moving thing down by now.  But each time it’s still a total pain. Every time I pack up the truck (which seems to always be on the hottest day of the year) and roll down the door I think to myself, “my whole life is in that truck.” And in some ways it’s true but every time I move I always sell stuff and buy new stuff. So my life is constantly evolving. And so is my style. And I think that’s why I always get the itch to move - it’s like a new sandbox to play in. [gallery link="file" ids="4216,4217,4218"] This itch mostly came because of recently getting a puppy named Crouton. I wanted to find somewhere with a backyard for him so his new sandbox is a duplex built in the 20’s with very typical L.A. architecture.  It’s bigger than my old apartment (about 900 square feet compared to 650) but with a totally different layout, a lot of my furniture wouldn’t fit anywhere. Luckily before moving I sold my bed, dresser, media cabinet, and console leaving me room and a budget to get pieces that work in my new space. My new bed with drawers underneath will arrive in the next day or two (hallelujah since I’m currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor frat house style) and will help with extra storage. I did grab this industrial console from Apt2B which is the perfect place to drop my keys when I come in. [gallery link="file" ids="4215,4220,4219"] While I finally just got rid of the last of the boxes I’m already starting to dream up how I’m going to decorate. But as a rule I always live in my place for about a month before doing anything drastic. I think good design comes from function. So I want to see how the space works and what it needs before deciding how to make it pretty. I then will come up with solutions that fit both the form and the function of the apartment. So stay tuned to see what kind of ideas I drum up!

For more on Kyle, you can keep tabs on him at kyleschuneman.com